Friday 25 July 2008

What would you rather do?

Eat a dead baby, or have Rosanne Barr pooh in your mouth solidly for a month?
You'd be surprised at how many times this question comes up.


Unknown said...

Dead Baby Carpaccio recipe.

Kill Baby. Slice as thinly as possible - the trick here is to use a very sharp knife. Pound the slices of baby until paper thin. Arrange on a large plate and grate fresh garlic over it. Not too much you don't want to over power the flavour of the baby. Now drizzle either a vinaigrette (Basil or Yuzu is nice) or a mustard mayonnaise if you are more traditional.
Serve immediately.

s-flo said...

Hang on, what is Rosanne eating during the month?

Greg said...

I don't know. I'm gonna say the contents of her bowels are sloppy.
I am amazed at the internet. This conversation has taken place about 5 times in real life, but this is the first time I have had a recipe for baby answer.
This is dark.