Friday 4 July 2008

Direction is the key.

I am apparently a 'people person', or so people tell I guess they kind of would being that they are telling me I'm the type of person a person can talk to. I accept this I think. I accept this because I have a lot of friends, or at least did until recently, when a life changing situation of gigantic proportions made most of them hate me....or at least dislike me a lot. I may go into this at a later date, or not because, to be honest I doubt anyones even vaguely interested and to be doubly honest I'll most probably lose interest in this.
Anyway this lofty gift that has been placed upon me from the gods of being a 'people person' has afforded me the luxury of realizing recently that most people are cunts.
They seem to fall under one of the following categories.

The person who goes through life, in a seemingly harmless way. They stay out of other peoples way mostly and generally just live their lives. They meet someone, stay with them, eventually reach there mid twenties, panic and get married. They don't really strive for anything, but hey, no gain, no pain . I don't really have that much of a problem with these people. If they talk about things behind peoples backs, its generally only to each other and their opinions are so lifeless, boring and crap anyway, who really gives a shit what they are saying. I do however think these people are cunts in other ways. These are the type of people who say things like U2 is the best band in the world, and I fucking hate U2. Take any mediocre , mainstream band/pop singer and these fuckers listen to it. Green day is punk to them. Crazy Frog is Techno.
They all love Banksy. They all think 'Pans Labyrinth' is the height of intelligent cinema. Usually the girls would watch the 'Sex and the city' movie or 'Dirty Dancing' and the guys would watch 'National Treasure' or some other pile of shit with wire work and cg enhanced camera moves.
They have all read at least 3 Dan Brown books. They don't know it, but they want to be told what to read/view/look at.
For some reason as well, nearly every guy in this group wears oakly sunglasses from the mid nineties. Those wrap around ones with the mirrored lenses.

Next is the more broad person. These people consider themselves 'cool'. They haven't really got taste of their own, but act like they have. The music they listen to and movies they like is just a few years conglomeration of other peoples taste that they have hung around with in the past. They tend to think these people they hung around with are cool, so they take the things they say and make them there own. Usually the people who have all this apparent interesting taste , are just more well practiced at stealing others ideas. At the heart of this idea stealing mass of bullshit, is a person who steals their ideas out of 'underground' design, art, music and film magazines/free publications. You have to be a bit edgy to be into these because it means you go to shoreditch which is the burning heart of society for a whole army of people who consider themselves the living ideal of art/music/movies/whatever the fuck they are into. I'll cover these people later.
Anyway this group of people here are generally the ones that actually end up making all the more successful creative forays into life. Sure a whole lot of them end up making toilet paper commercials filled with dogs, but they also end up kind of making it by having their creativity seen by more people than anyone else. I can kind of see why as well. Any creative product, be it music, art, tv, film is basically the artist searching for approval from people. Otherwise why show any of this shit to anyone? This group of people have built up all of what they think is cool from what actually kind of ends up being a life long focus group. Of course people are gonna like the shit they spew out. The people they are showing probably gave them the idea. These people serve the needs of the group above nicely. Probably not a good idea to tell them that though as they think they are way smarter and or cooler.

The next group is the 'artist'. You know how models appear vacuous? Try taking a look at these people. They seem like they aren't really, because at first glance they look like they have lots of interesting ideas because they have so much stoke piled information about art/music/books/films in there heads. They try really hard to be cool and different, but act like they aren't trying to do that at all. I seem to find with these people that some part of their emotional make up is missing. Its like they have had to rid themselves of some of their emotional response to other people to make room in their head for the latest four experimental rock band cover artist names and the like. Artists/directors/musicians become like ammunition for their brain so they can spray anyone that will listen with bullets of finger on the pulse-ness-ness. These are the people that tend to hang around shoreditch/hackney where ever is deemed cool next. They are all in bands/or djs/or directors. None of them have made it. They hate people from the above group because they have and if they had the chance to do what they were doing it of course would be better. They usually write blogs as well, or at least have a heavily up-kept myspace page, telling the world what they are up to. This gives them the chance to show off how witty and or smart they are. It also affords them a stage to put up photos or videos of gigs they have played at, or movies they have made, or drawings they have done.

I think this makes me a straddler of the bottom group and the middle group. As it turns out I don't like myself very much at the moment. I'm a cunt.
I also lost interest in this before I even finished my first post.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

its really exciting and brutal to read your words here greg. a electric brain swamp rush, harsh yet wonderfully fun. i think a little dose of china fever would do you the universe of anti-hippie good, come come come! this new zealand band might also tickle your fancy.
spirits upward g-force g.