Tuesday 7 April 2009

I am working on a commercial at the moment.

I had really forgotten how bad it is. I went down yesterday to watch with producers and clients and the like. They told me "Oh this is gonna be such a fun project!"
We watched the ad, which is an ad for juice.....a really shit ad for juice with 3d creatures interacting with real people, and they all turned around and said, "Isn't it great!" and smiled and patted themselves on the back. I smiled along too, and felt a whole bunch of dirty inside.
It wasn't great. It was seven hundred shades of shit. I don't give a fuck about it, and neither will anyone when its on TV. Its a shit, but expensive ad, for what is probably a shit product.
The really fucking annoying thing is that all the advertising cunts were talking about it like it was the most important thing in the world. They thought I was a freelancer brought in to work on it, and when I told them I was actually from the film dept, they were all like "Oh well this is going to be really fun for you then!"
I prefer working on things that people actually want to watch actually.
I worked in ads long enough. I thought maybe one day I'd like to go back, but I honestly don't think I could handle the egos. Its like the world is reverse. We have people like Del Toro(Pans Labyrinth fella) come in and be all down to earth and not up his own ass at all and shit, then you go down two flights of stairs to meet a director making an ad for dishwashing soap who thinks he is full on shit hot.
The difference is this. Geeks make films. Fashion victims make ads.
Even the awards shows reflect this. There are a million of them for ads. I am probably 200 times more likely to win an award for doing this ad cause there are 200 times more award shows than there are for ACTUAL films or ACTUAL television.
The plimsoll, skinny jean, wayfarer, stripy tee-shirt, 80s hair, suit jacket wearing cunts sure do love patting themselves on the back. Vanity to the max.

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