Thursday 11 September 2008

I was bored.

I have been having a mental block with techno lately, which I think is an easy thing to happen if you have gone to many lack lustre gigs in a row. Its not that I didn't enjoy C/Opop. I did. Its just I thought I could really get into things there, and I really didn't. My enjoyment of the music was good but not amazing. I think perhaps had I seen all of Villalobos set I would have rated it more. I just felt everybody else wasn't as good as they could have been. Anyway, because of this I haven't been listening to any mixes at all either. In a strange twist of fate, reading this blog and seeing the link to mnmlssg, my friend Jerry, who originally got me into Techno in the early to mid nineties but hasn't listened in years is having a resurrection. In a cyclical cycle of immense tornado type proportions it seems he is having the same effect again (albeit on a much lesser scale, but I was being dramatic.)
He sent me one of the mixes that mnmlssg have up for download saying he was really enjoying it and what did I think. Well, J my man. I have listened to it and it rules. It rules really hard. Hard like a granite table made out of solid oak and diamonds. The man mixing is Peter Van Hoesen and I think he deserves to be more famous than he is. Anyway here it is with tracklisting and all. The mix to me seems really co-heasive, but at the same time intricate and never stale. I saw that he put its not the type of thing he'd normally play out, and I think thats a real shame because I would love to hear this type of set out. I listened to it before I read Peters description and as I was listening I was reminded of the best sets I had seen. If I could go out and see a set like this, I think my faith would be restored. The last really great set I think I saw was over a year ago and was by Jens Bond at a half empty Fabric. Perhaps I'm just going to the wrong parties.

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