Monday 17 August 2009


So I watched Anvil - The story of Anvil on the weekend. I agree with Mark Keomode. It is an amazing film. I can't believe I hadn't seen it earlier.
It is a documentary about the band Anvil, A heavy metal band who should have been massive and had the respect of many of the biggest metal bands in the world musically, but somehow never made it.
Sacha Gervasi, the director of the film, had been one of their English fans when he was a teenager.
When the band had toured London, he had gone back stage and they asked if he would like to come with them on the rest of the tour. Lips and Rob (the two foundations of the band) took this 15 year old under their wing.
Years later, after Sacha had made it as a Hollywood writer he wondered, what ever happened to Anvil?
So he called, and was amazed to find they were still making music, had released 14 albums, but had had no critical or commercial success. 30 years with no success but they still believed in themselves and the band just as much as the day they formed it when they were 14. They are now 50.
So Sacha decided to make a film about them.
The thing that I found so great about it, is even though we can laugh at some of these aging metal freaks, I feel like it was all done in a loving way. I don't feel it takes the piss out of people for the sake of it which I think would have been an easy path to take. You begin to really care for Lips and Rob, and their families who support them. You are amazed at their commitment and hard work, and in particular, even with crushing set backs, the glimmer of hope that they always hold onto. I couldn't quite believe the way that you can be laughing one minute and in tears the next. And I mean literally in tears. You really, really want these guys to make it. So much so that when things do go right you feel like jumping up on your chair and screaming for them.
Anyway as you can tell I'm pretty fond of this movie. You couldn't have written better characters. What began for me as watching it for a laugh, possibly at Lips and Robs expense ended up with me, really respecting their ideals of friendship, family and hard work.
And I got this from two aging metal heads. Weird.
Anyway. See this movie.

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