Tuesday 14 July 2009

The Hangover.

What a fucken pile of shit. I Laughed as much in this film as I laughed in the Deer Hunter. Which obviously was sweet fuck all.
The Hangovers poster has fucking stars all over it as well. Its the most star filled poster I have ever seen. The Poster makes you think its the best film ever made.
Don't you hate how movie posters now all have stars on them. Usually 4 or 5.
Well it's bullshit for two reasons.
1: Most reviewers are people. And people have shit taste. See Titanic and The Hangover as an example.
2: What you see on the poster probably isn't the opinion of a reviewer anyway, but a newspaper or publication getting free advertising on said movie poster.
Example: A wee while ago I was reading a discarded news of the world paper on the tube. Reputable rag that.
There was a review on Transformers 2 in there. It basically said it was the worst movie ever and gave it half a star. I put down the paper, got off the tube and walked past a man pasting up a Transformers 2 poster. Across the top it said. 4 stars: News of the world.
Aside from that. Why the fuck brag about 4 stars anyway. That's like saying, "Wow look at me I'm just above average."

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