Friday 19 December 2008

A game of shovseys aka I am an alpha male.

I went to our office Christmas party the other night. As is the case people were getting pretty drunk. This guy came up to us and said inappropriate things to my girlfriend and then to me. Neither of us knew him although he obviously works somewhere in the building with us.
I gave him a shove. He came at me with a 'I can see I was being a cunt and I deserved that, BUT never lay a hand on me again or else..........' line like he was Jason Bourne or some shit and gave me a shove back for good measure.
I told him to fuck off seeing he had just admitted he was being a cunt and deserved the intial shove and gave him a gentle finger push in the chest just to be a patronising cunt. Eventually he fucked off after I just started ignoring him. I never did find out what the ................ threat meant unless what he was going to say was 'or else I'll stay standing here and shove you back, then you can shove me back, then I'll maybe shove you back a bit more, then we'll abuse each other, then it'll just kind of peter out and we'll both look like dicks.'
Which is pretty much what these situations turn out like seeing as neither of us a from the streets or anything.
At best if I had kept talking to him we would have ended up in a drunken, stumbling about hug and then drunk friends. At worst we would have ended up the same way. A lose, lose situation.
Just walk away.
Males are dicks.

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