Wednesday 10 February 2010

The endless loop

So last night after upgrading one of my laptops to windows 7 (I'm a PC and a Mac, and have 2 much of a wanker does that make me?) I decided that I should try and hit the music production again. Having never really finished anything up to a decent standard, and never really felt the need to make anyone elses ears bleed with my musical meanderings, mainly because they are so diabolically shit or weird, or weird and shit, I felt it was about time I tried to finish something.
I sat down with Ableton, and cracked open an old file, lovingly called, Greg_Edit_Fucked_v020. Thats right version 20.
I was amazed, that when I opened it, I actually liked it.
Hit the fast forward button to hours in the future, and I am left holding my hands in my head. (I meant holding my head in my hands but I am gonna leave that mistake in because I like the visual imagery it my head is massive so its perfectly feasible)
I hate that creativity involves computers so much these days.....or at least that mine does.
I spend so much fucking time looking at fucking computers and trying to solve problems during the day/night, that as soon as I get posed with a problem that is computer based on the outside world, I flip several hundred shits all over the place and then go watch some pile of shit on TV whilst necking spiced V8 juice and taking intermittent smoke breaks, where I wander round outside in the cold giving myself shit for being such a failure.
Anyway. One day I will finish something.
Here's a mix I made.

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